Flash Mob at Shannon Airport


April Fools day in Shannon Airport was certainly a surprise for passengers checking in for the new flights to…. when suddenly some ‘passengers’ broke into Irish dance! It soon became clear, as onlookers, clerks and other passengers began to join in that this was no unplanned event, it was a Flash Mob!

The students of the UL World Academy of dance were strategically placed throughout the airport in disguise as onlookers, maintenance staff, airport security and even a hen party. We all managed to keep the event a well kept secret, and I think it’s fair to say many were shocked. Even the airport employees who knew something was up were not expecting the person standing beside them to randomly break into a jig!

At HIYA, we had so much fun meeting everyone from UL and we have to give them a huge thanks and a round of applause for choreographing the whole thing and dancing their hearts out on the day!

We hope you get a chance to check out the video for the flash mob, filmed by Animo TV who also did an amazing job, and directed by our own James Sexton!

So far, it’s gotten over 80,000 hits on Youtube in just a couple of days! So if you want to get you’re brand out there for the world to see, look what we can do!

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